Want to stay on top of your Grooming Game? Here is the ultimate guide.

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Want to stay on top of your Grooming Game? Here is the ultimate guide.

Staying up on your grooming game is not a choice. If only we had a penny for each time we had to emphasize on the importance of grooming, boy would we be rich! Right from meeting strangers and leaving an ever-lasting impression to giving a memorable presentation. And from making sure you have a personality that’s significant enough, to impressing the ones you want to stay in the good books of, being well-groomed does it all.

Face and skin:

“Your face is the index of your mind.” You must have heard this a thousand times. But if you come to think of it, it’s actually true. The first thing anyone looks at is your face, the one thing people notice, your only identity even before you have a real identity, and till the time you are alive is your face. And maintaining it in a way that your identity speaks for your personality, now that’s the goal. 

And it’s not very difficult. Mastering your own makeup, taking care of your skin, getting concern-specific treatments done when needed, a well-groomed beard, keeping track of your dental health, noticing every line and mark, and showing it love. That’s what taking care of your face looks like. 


Imagine meeting someone who has dandruff that shows on his clothes. Someone who keeps playing with their hair all the time, who keeps itching all the time. Not a very pleasant sight, is it? Your scalp and hair health is in your hands and its very important part of your grooming game. You can be responsible for it by doing some simple, yet sophisticated hairstyles, using the right hair products, and getting proper haircuts regularly. Healthy hair is the way to look well-groomed. 

Posture and personality: 


Having a good face and great hair isn’t enough. We wish it was, but it isn’t. It’s your personality that actually shows your realistic side. It’s true that we only register a person’s face when we see them, but once you get to know them, it’s the personality that stays with you. How they stand, their posture, the way they move or behave, that is what makes a mark on your image of them. And posture is a very substantial way of showing how confident you are and how much you take care of your body.

Exercising every day is not just to have a toned body. It can also affect your posture positively and make you look way youthful and confident than you would seem with drooping dangling body shape.



Dressing well means different things for different people. But dressing to look more sophisticated and attractive, now that has to be a standard choice. Outfits that fit well, clothes that are well- ironed, have no stains or odor, do not have broken buttons and malfunctioning trims, and ones that are right for the occasion. Shoes are a major part of dressing well. Wear neat, clean, and occasion-appropriate shoes. After-all that’s the last thing people see of you when you walk away.

Many people would suggest you can wear whatever torn and stained clothes you want to at home, but we disagree. Just like charity, your grooming game starts at home. It is not just a way of showing people your best side but also making yourself that. And the way you are behind the closed doors, that is what you see yourself as. So make sure you are also pleasant to your own two eyes before trying to look presentable to the world. Styling yourself based on your body shape and personal taste is a great idea, and taking help from a professional stylist is something you can depend on.


It might not seem very important alongside the key pointers, but trust us, a bad-smelling body or clothes can make all these attempts go to waste. Imagine sitting next to someone who looks amazing but smells far from it. Smells become a part of people’s memories, and sooner than later, they start associating you with that smell. Now you don’t want to be known as someone who smells unpleasant, do you?

Wearing a light scented perfume every day is your best bet. Something that is not too strong and overpowering, but also does the job. Not to forget, maintaining overall body hygiene plays a crucial role in this as well.



How often do we see the best-looking people, most stylish and well-groomed, but once we get to know them well enough, we see that the exterior is no representation of how they behave and treat others. It’s almost heartbreaking to even look at such people – exactly why your grooming game has to be accompanied by good etiquettes. And it all comes from a place of self-reflection and realization. Learn from others, attend workshops, read about etiquettes, and follow them. Being at your best setting and occasion appropriate behavior is the only way to be remembered for your professional and respectful sides.

Being well-groomed is not just for people working with professionals. It is a way of living and thus should never be compromised. Right from your skin, hair, nails, clothes, accessories, and mannerisms, every single thing makes you –YOU. So why not be the best version of you, right?

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