Impact of Covid-19 on Fashion Industry : Threat and Opportunity

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Impact of Covid-19 on Fashion Industry : Threat and Opportunity

The pandemic of 2020 has taken a toll on everyone around the globe and the Fashion Industry has been no exception. But the fashion industry is finding its way back stronger than it has ever been. The industry has been taking the opportunity to create awareness with a full-fledged goal to provide protective gear and creative ways to promote sanitary measures in these tough times of covid-19.

In the year of 2019 as the covid-19 virus broke out in China, the designers all over the globe were quick to raise awareness by adopting the masks in their runway shows promoting functional medical modernity. But as the outgrowing covid-19 virus forced the fashion industry to come to a screeching halt, it did not stop them as they turned to the generation of internet and social media as an aid. Various brands are taking this pandemic as a perfect opportunity to collaborate even with competitive brands via social media platforms to come up with alternatives strategies and insight on how they could navigate and tackle to do their best in this time of crisis. Fashion enthusiasts believe that the pandemic helped the fashion industry to “Reset & Reshape” as brands have taken it up as a duty to use sanitary measures and promote authenticity and sustainability.

The designers in Vietnam are finding creative ways to make an intricate hand embroidered mask to help the people adopt the mandatory measures and importance of it. It also serves the purpose of killing the misconception that states that only the infected need to wear the masks and other such stereotypes. Few international brands have also started hosting charity hauls and also offered to provide services by asking their clients to communicate as to how they dress to make their low’s better. Meanwhile, multiple small-scale local businesses are being benefited as their products have seen a rise in their sales amidst the covid-19 lock down.

Indian fashion labels put in the tremendous effort by hosting a charity event that helps to fund and support the unemployed artisans and also preserve the cultural value of India. While the covid-19  pandemic may have taken a toll on the functioning of physically being able to shop, brands are coming to the rescue by providing DIY ideas and ways to naturally tie-dye fabrics as well as providing styling tips through their social media channels.

The post-pandemic is assumed to be better for a brighter tomorrow as many fashion enthusiasts and fashion brands are now more conscious and aware to value and preserve authenticity. This proves no matter how gloomy and hazy a situation might seem, it always tends to have a silver lining shining towards the hope of a better day and a better life.

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